Friday 29 January 2016

Samsung Galaxy S7: Here's what to expect

Samsung is expected to unveil its next generation of flagship phones during the WMC event in Barcelona next month, and here is what we know about devices so far

Samsung Galaxy S7: Here’s what to expect
The Samsung Galaxy S7 is one of the most anticipated smartphones of the year, and for good reason. The Galaxy S series is considered by many to be one of the best Android-powered phones available in the market today. It is also one of the few smartphones can go toe-to-toe with the might of Apple’s iPhones. Rumours have already begun circulating that Samsung is planning to launch its next generation of flagship devices in a few weeks. Here is what you can expect in the Samsung Galaxy S7.
The wait may be almost over
Back in October, it was reported that Samsung preponed the launch of its upcoming flagship phones to January in order to better compete with the Apple iPhone 6s and 6s Plus. However, newer reports suggest that Samsung may unveil the devices during the World Mobile Congress event scheduled to be held in Barcelona in February.
Two’s a company, three’s a crowd
It as initially believed that Samsung would launch multiple variants of the Samsung Galaxy S7 together. Earlier this month, a tweet by @evleaks, aka Evan Blass suggested that Samsung would launch the standard Galaxy S7 alongside the S7 Edge and S7 Edge+ variants. However, a recent tweet of his suggested that Samsung may end up up launching only the Galaxy S7 Edge along with the standard Galaxy S7.  
Qualcomm or Exynos? Why not both
Samsung is expected to launch two versions of the Galaxy S7 smartphones. One may be powered by Qualcomm’s new flagship processor, the Snapdragon 820, while the other may be powered by the company’s ownExynos 8890SoC. It was earlier believed that the galaxy S7 would be the first smartphone to be powered by the Snapdragon 820 and that Samsung held the rights to the chipset till April. However, at CES 2016, the Le Pro Max turned out to be the first phone with Snapdragon 820 SoC.
Curves you can touch
The standard Samsung Galaxy S7 is expected to come with a 5.1-inch display, while the curved Galaxy S7 Edge could come with a 5.5-inch display. Both are expected to sport Super AMOLED panels with a QHD resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels. In addition, both variants of the phone are expected to sport a pressure sensitive display, similar to 3D Touch found on the Apple iPhone 6s and 6s Plus. Samsung has already filed a patent for the technology.
Will 12 be greater than 16?
Samsung was tipped to focus on improving the low-light imaging capabilities of the camera in the Galaxy S7. As such, it was believed that the company would use its new BRITECELL sensor on its upcoming smartphone. Samsung claims that the new sensor can not only take brighter and sharper images in low light conditions, but is also 17% thinner than cameras used in other smartphones. However, reports suggest that Samsung would be using a 12MP camera, which is smaller than that 16MP camera found on the Galaxy S6, however, it might have an aperture of f/1.7, which would aid in low light photography.
What else?
A few days ago, it was reported that the Samsung Galaxy S7 phones may come with a black chassis in order to give the phones a premium look. It is also expected to come with a USB Type-C slot and may be dust and waterproof as well. In addition, all variants of the device may come with dual-SIM slots and Samsung may include a microSD card slot too.

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