Friday 29 January 2016

Facebook brings live video streaming to every iPhone user

In August of 2015 Facebook unveiled its answer to Periscope and other similar apps focused on live video streaming. But up until now the social network's live video feature has been exclusive to verified celebrities.
That's changing, though. From today the ability to stream live video is being rolled out to every iPhone user in the US, with an international expansion coming in the following weeks. This should also make its way to Facebook's Android app soon.

You'll know you have the new feature because a new icon will show up for you in the Update Status box. And that Live Video icon is the one you need to tap to get things going. You can add a short description too, and choose who to share with before you go live.
While you're broadcasting you get to see the number of live viewers, the names of friends who are watching, as well as a real-time stream of comments. When you end your live session, the recording will be available in your Timeline like any other video you've manually uploaded. Of course you'll be able to delete it if you so wish.
As a viewer, you'll see such live videos in your News Feed, and while you're watching one you can hit Subscribe to get notified the next time that person does a broadcast.

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